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Is It Better to Go Through Menopause With or Without HRT?

Hormone therapy can’t prevent menopause from happening, but it still has the potential to make life easier when dealing with debilitating symptoms. If you feel the symptoms of aging placing a great weight on your shoulders, there are solutions that can help lessen the blow. Impact Rejuvenation is here to explain whether or not you should go through menopause with or without HRT to help you regain a more peaceful life as you age.

A Study On Hormonal Imbalance During Menopause

Menopause often coincides with hormonal imbalances in women as they age. Without adequate balance in your hormones, you may experience the following symptoms during menopause:

  • Mood Swings: Menopause is often followed by strong but fleeing changes in mood like irritability and depression. Dealing with negative emotions can impact those around you as well as yourself.
  • Impaired Cognitive Function: Hormone imbalance can waver your ability to focus. You may find it harder to recall certain memories, or you can experience the effects of a foggy brain when attempting to be a functioning member of society.
  • Bodily Changes: There’s no doubt that menopause can affect the mind, but you may also notice changes to your physical form as well. Many women tend to gain weight soon after hitting menopause, and the drastic changes in hormone levels can also lead to severe hot flashes.
  • Trouble Sleeping: When dealing with all of the above, you may find it difficult to sleep. It’s not unheard of for menopause to instigate insomnia in women. This can be a huge detriment since women need extra amounts of sleep for a healthy body.

When you continue to power through menopause without the help of HRT, the symptoms can gradually wear on you day after day for the foreseeable future. Fighting back depression every time you get out of bed or taking a minute to sit down and cool off every time you get a hot flash can impact your quality of life. HRT for women is designed to help combat these symptoms and has been known to lessen the effects of menopause.

What HRT Means For Menopause

Menopause is the result of hormonal imbalances that come with age. By restoring balance through hormone replacement therapy, you can alleviate the usual symptoms that come with aging in women to sustain peak quality of life as you did before menopause.

Should I Consider HRT For Menopause? Yes Or No

If menopause is negatively affecting your quality of life, then HRT can prove to be an effective solution that can help lessen the impact of aging. Of course, you will need to meet with a professional to ensure that you are an ideal candidate for hormone replacement. Each patient is observed for their age and symptoms for an accurate recommendation based on risk factors. Many of our patients have been qualified for HRT and have seen noticeable improvement in their everyday lives even when going through menopause.

We Support Women Going Through Menopause By Offering HRT

Don’t let menopause dictate how you should live your life. Impact Rejuvenation offers HRT for women so that you can accomplish anything without being held back by hormone imbalances! Contact our team today for more information and to set a date for your consultation.


Kybella® vs Chin Liposuction – 5 Important Considerations

Nobody wants a double chin, and you don’t have to deal with yours if we have anything to say about it! You can find Kybella® at Impact Rejuvenation as a good alternative to a neck lift, but what about chin liposuction? Explore your options and keep the following considerations in mind when looking for a way to get rid of your double chin for good:

1. Kybella® Is Not a Surgical Procedure

Liposuction is often seen as controversial because you’re forcing fat out of the body through a tube which is unnatural. That is not the case with Kybella® injections. Kybella® shots work to destroy fat cells within the body, eliminating fat in the chin without having to physically remove it through surgery. When you visit your local supplier, all you need to do is take a shot and walk out in a matter of minutes. You don’t need to plan accommodations like you would for intensive surgical procedures.

2. Chin Liposuction Comes With Risks Because It Is a Surgery

An incision is required with liposuction because the surgeon needs an entry point to insert the tube into your chin. When carving out the cut, there is also a risk of infection. This surgical procedure may also result in bleeding and leave behind a scar where the incision was made. You can make the argument that surgeries are commonly carried out in the medical field all the time, but each one of them isn’t without its risks even under professional supervision. Plus, there’s no getting away from the scar that lingers after.

3. It May Take Time to See Results With Kybella®

Compared to liposuction which directly removes fat from the chin, Kybella® may take a while to show the desired results. However, many patients see this as a small price to pay for undergoing a more natural and safer way of combatting fat cells. Patience is a virtue in this field because the body can better acclimate to slower changes whereas surgery can sometimes result in shock and other physical symptoms from the abrupt change.

4. Recovery Time Is Much Longer With Lipo

Kybella® may take longer for results, but chin liposuction often comes with a longer recovery time of a few weeks or more. Liposuction is an invasive surgery, so it makes sense that the body will need more time to fully heal from the physical trauma. Meanwhile, a Kybella® injection only requires about 1-3 days to recover from. In today’s busy landscape, a couple of days of recovery is much more appealing to the busy individual than taking entire weeks off after surgery.

5. Kybella® Is FDA-Approved

Kybella® isn’t exactly a commonly known method, and so people may question the reputability of this treatment. However, Kybella® is FDA-approved as a testament to its authenticity. You can rest easy knowing that you can receive fast and easy sessions with these simple and safe injections.

Try Out Kybella® at Impact Rejuvenation!

Ready to try out Kybella® for yourself and get the results you want? Impact Rejuvenation is offering 2 vials of Kybella® for just $900. That’s a small price to pay for a slim chin that you can hold up high! Contact our team today to schedule an appointment for your consultation.


Lipo Shots vs Semaglutide For Weight Loss – Key Differences

Eager to shave off some weight? If diet and exercise don’t feel like enough to help you achieve the body you want, then you’re probably considering either lipo shots or semaglutide to give you that little bit of help you need to start seeing definitive results. Take your pick with caution by reviewing the key differences between lipo shots and semaglutide before reaching out to Impact Rejuvenation for weight loss solutions near you.

Semaglutide Reduces Appetite to Promote Low-Calorie Intake

If you’ve been hearing a lot about semaglutide, you’re probably very curious as to what it can do for you. Being a more recent finding for weight loss, you might assume that this newer technique is bound to be better than older options. It’s actually not that simple. Semaglutide and lipo work in completely different ways, so although they both support weight loss, they can’t exactly be compared.

Semaglutide aids in regulating blood sugar levels which can, in turn, curb your appetite. Rather than directly removing or eliminating fat, it helps you stick to a low-calorie diet. If the goal is to lose weight through healthy eating, then semaglutide can become a vital part of your weight loss plan.

Did You Know?

Since it’s been proven to help regulate blood sugar, semaglutide was originally used for diabetes treatment. After a short while, people have begun to see its potential as a sort of weight loss supplement. Of course, that’s a loose way of looking at it.

Lipo Shots Promote Fat Loss Through Increased Metabolism

For those who seek instant results, lipo shots are typically the go-to weight loss option. Lipo shots are a culmination of vitamins and minerals that assist in fat loss through higher metabolism. Where semaglutide helps with managing appetites, lipo shots encourage the body to burn off excess fat for a direct approach to weight loss. It has yet to be proven whether or not semaglutide has an effect on metabolism, but lipo already has a definitive answer.

Read more > Does Semaglutide Reset Your Metabolism?

Which One Is Better? Evaluate Your Game Plan

Semaglutide curbs your appetite while lipo shots increase your metabolism. Many would argue one or the other as the best approach to weight loss, but it ultimately depends on the individual.

Those who are less active may have a better chance of seeing weight loss through limited calorie intake, in which case, semaglutide may work better for them. On the other hand, active individuals who either exercise every day or partake in sports may see better results through lipo shots which promote a higher metabolism.

When choosing the best option for you, think about your daily habits and which option you may benefit from more. Of course, it also helps to get an expert’s opinion for a more confident answer.

Let Impact Rejuvenation Aid You In Your Weight Loss Journey

Impact Rejuvenation is the best place near you for medical weight loss services that encourage healthy and active lifestyles for a body to be proud of. Visit us today or reach out to our friendly staff to schedule a consultation and go over your options!


What Are the Additional Positive Side Effects of HRT for Men?

If you’ve been seeing a decline in your quality of life, we proudly promote HRT for men here at Impact Rejuvenation for hormonal balancing techniques that can do wonders for your body and well-being. Higher energy levels, greater muscle mass, and improved cognitive function are some of the main benefits that come from hormonal therapy, but do you know about the lesser-known positive side effects of HRT? Find out everything that HRT can do for men before reaching out to our friendly team for a consultation!

Side Effects Beyond the Obvious Benefits of HRT

Many of the sales pitches you hear surrounding HRT for men typically promise restored libido and a boost of energy. Basically, you get the usual “run faster” and “jump higher” ad campaigns to reel you in. While those benefits are indeed true, there are other reasons to consider hormone therapy that all do their part in improving your daily living.

Higher Libido Does More Than Bring Back Your Sex Drive

Balancing out your hormones ultimately boosts your mood. This means that any feelings of depression that you may have had prior to HRT will likely dissipate, or at least seem less prevalent, thus leading to happy days with more pep in your step!

What Does Improved Cognitive Function Really Mean?

Without the distracting symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you will be able to think more clearly and rationally. HRT often equates to better memory recall, and an ability to concentrate and focus better than you could before.

Prevent Injuries, Increase Your Chances of Living Longer

Supplementing bone density is one of those lesser-known benefits of HRT that can help you better withstand injury if you happen to have a high-labor job or you actively participate in sports. By mitigating possible injuries, you will also be preserving your body which can contribute to a longer lifespan.

Nourish Your Cardiovascular Health With HRT!

As we get older, our risk of heart disease tends to grow as well. HRT can help the body by supporting our cardiovascular health. This positive side effect gives us one less thing to worry about in our day-to-day lives.

How Does It Work? The Way HRT Affects Your Body

Many of the symptoms we suffer from as we get older are often seen as the cost of aging which can’t be helped. While hormonal imbalances are common with age, especially in older men, there is absolutely something that you can do about it!

HRT literally stands for “hormone replacement therapy”, and is effective in restoring the body to its former glory by introducing replacement hormones to achieve balance. Many of our male patients have come out of their HRT sessions feeling younger and stronger, giving them the confidence to take back their livelihoods and continue doing what they set out to accomplish.

Get Back on Track With HRT at Impact Rejuvenation!

Tired of your hormones slowing you down? Hormone replacement is the answer you’ve been looking for, restoring your body and mind back to its prime! Impact Rejuvenation offers HRT for men near you so you can take charge of your life and tackle each day with confidence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.