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Kybella® vs Chin Liposuction – 5 Important Considerations

Nobody wants a double chin, and you don’t have to deal with yours if we have anything to say about it! You can find Kybella® at Impact Rejuvenation as a good alternative to a neck lift, but what about chin liposuction? Explore your options and keep the following considerations in mind when looking for a way to get rid of your double chin for good:

1. Kybella® Is Not a Surgical Procedure

Liposuction is often seen as controversial because you’re forcing fat out of the body through a tube which is unnatural. That is not the case with Kybella® injections. Kybella® shots work to destroy fat cells within the body, eliminating fat in the chin without having to physically remove it through surgery. When you visit your local supplier, all you need to do is take a shot and walk out in a matter of minutes. You don’t need to plan accommodations like you would for intensive surgical procedures.

2. Chin Liposuction Comes With Risks Because It Is a Surgery

An incision is required with liposuction because the surgeon needs an entry point to insert the tube into your chin. When carving out the cut, there is also a risk of infection. This surgical procedure may also result in bleeding and leave behind a scar where the incision was made. You can make the argument that surgeries are commonly carried out in the medical field all the time, but each one of them isn’t without its risks even under professional supervision. Plus, there’s no getting away from the scar that lingers after.

3. It May Take Time to See Results With Kybella®

Compared to liposuction which directly removes fat from the chin, Kybella® may take a while to show the desired results. However, many patients see this as a small price to pay for undergoing a more natural and safer way of combatting fat cells. Patience is a virtue in this field because the body can better acclimate to slower changes whereas surgery can sometimes result in shock and other physical symptoms from the abrupt change.

4. Recovery Time Is Much Longer With Lipo

Kybella® may take longer for results, but chin liposuction often comes with a longer recovery time of a few weeks or more. Liposuction is an invasive surgery, so it makes sense that the body will need more time to fully heal from the physical trauma. Meanwhile, a Kybella® injection only requires about 1-3 days to recover from. In today’s busy landscape, a couple of days of recovery is much more appealing to the busy individual than taking entire weeks off after surgery.

5. Kybella® Is FDA-Approved

Kybella® isn’t exactly a commonly known method, and so people may question the reputability of this treatment. However, Kybella® is FDA-approved as a testament to its authenticity. You can rest easy knowing that you can receive fast and easy sessions with these simple and safe injections.

Try Out Kybella® at Impact Rejuvenation!

Ready to try out Kybella® for yourself and get the results you want? Impact Rejuvenation is offering 2 vials of Kybella® for just $900. That’s a small price to pay for a slim chin that you can hold up high! Contact our team today to schedule an appointment for your consultation.